John A. Humphrey is a professor of criminal justice at St. Anselm College. He is a graduate of St. Anselm College and holds a doctorate in sociology from the University of New Hampshire. His books include:
A Panorama of Suicide (with G. Donald Niswander and Thomas Casey),
The Administration of Justice (with Michael Milakovich),
Deviant Behavior: Patterns, Sources and Control (with Stuart Palmer),
Wrongly Convicted: When Justice Fails (edited with Sandra Westervelt),
Deviant Behavior (first edition),
Deviant Behavior (second edition with Frank Schmalleger), and
Effective Interventions in the Lives of Criminal Offenders (edited with Peter Cordella). His research has been published in journals in the fields of sociology, criminology, anthropology, psychology, and medicine. Funding for his research has been provided by the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Justice, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Department of Justice. He is currently engaged in a longitudinal analysis of the link between religiosity and sexual and physical offending and victimization among undergraduates.