A Response
By Jeff Levin, Explore, published online May 11, 2017
By Jeff Levin, Journal of Religion and Health, published online November 3, 2016.
By Jeff Levin, Journal of Religion and Health, published online April 2016.
Book Review by Jeff Levin,
Journal of Religion and Health, June 2015
“Bridge to Healing: Finding Strength to Cope with Illness”
By Israela Meyerstein. 200 pp. Jacksonville, FL: Mazo Publishers, 2014.
Upon These Three Things
by Jeff Levin, ISR Books, March 2015
Religious Differences in Self-Rated Health Among US Jews: Findings from Five Urban Population Surveys
by Jeff Levin, Journal of Religion and Health, published online, January 9, 2015
Religion and Happiness Among Israeli Jews: Findings
from the ISSP Religion III Survey
by Jeff Levin, Journal of Happiness Studies, 15:593-611, 2014
Faith-Based Partnerships for Population Health: Challenges, Initiatives, and Prospects
by Jeff Levin, Public Health Reports, Vol 129, pp. 127-131, Mar/Apr 2014.
Faith-Based Initiatives in Health Promotion: History,
Challenges, and Current Partnerships
by Jeff Levin, American Journal of Health Promotion, pp 139-141 Vol. 28, No. 3, Jan/Feb 2014.
Alex Broadbent: Philosophy of Epidemiology
Book Review by Jeff Levin, Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, published online January 1 2014.
Judaism and Health: A Handbook of Practical, Professional and Scholarly Resources
Edited by Jeff Levin, PhD, MPH, and Michele F. Prince, LCSW, MAJCS
Foreword by Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff, PhD, Jewish Lights Publishing, October 2013.
Religious Ovservance and Well-Being among Jewish Adults: Findings from the Israel Social Survey
by Jeff Levin, Religions, 4(4), 469-484, 2013
Religion and Mental Health Among Israeli Jews: Findings from the SHARE-Israel Study
by Jeff Levin, Social Indicators Research, published online August, 2013
Religious Behavior, Health, and Well-Being Among Israeli Jews:
Findings From the European Social Survey
by Jeff Levin, Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, published online June 10, 2013
Religious Feature of Curanderismo Training and Practice
by Cindy Lynn Salazar, and Jeff Levin, EXPLORE, Vol. 9, No. 3, May/June 2013
Engaging Faith Community for Public Health Advocacy: An Agenda for the Surgeon General
by Jeff Levin, Journal of Religion and Health, published online March 22, 2013
Religion and Physical Health among Older Israeli Jews: Findings from the SHARE-Israel Study
Jeff Levin, The Israel Medical Association Journal, October, 2012
Healing to All Their Flesh: Jewish and Christian Perspectives on Spirituality, Theology and Health
by Jeff Levin, Templeton Press, September, 2012
Revisiting the Alexander UFO Religious Crisis Survey (AUFORCS): Is There Really a Crisis?
by Jeff Levin, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Summer 2012, Vol 26, No.2, pp 273-284
Jewish Ethical Themes That Should Inform the National Healthcare Discussion: A Prolegomenon.
by Jeff Levin, Journal of Religion and Health, published online May 30, 2012
A Faith-Based Prescription for the Surgeon General:
Challenges and Recommendations
by Jeff Levin and Jay F. Hein, Journal of Religion and Health, published online January 13, 2012
Religion and Psychological Well-being and Distress in Israeli Jews: Findings from the Gallup World Poll
by Jeff Levin, Israel Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 48-Number 4, pp 252-261, 2011
Guest Editorial
by Jeff Levin, Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 50, Issue 4, December 2011
Judaism and Health: Reflections on an Emerging
Scholarly Field
by Jeff Levin and Michele F. Prince, Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 50, Issue 4, December 2011
Health Impact of Jewish Religious Observance in the USA: Findings from the 2000–01 National Jewish Population Survey
by Jeff Levin, Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 50, Issue 4, December 2011
Religion and positive well-being among Israeli and diaspora Jews: Findings from the World Values Survey
by Jeff Levin, Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Available online: Sept 21 2011
Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of spiritual healer use: Findings from the National Survey of American Life
by Jeff Levin, Robert Joseph Taylor and Linda M. Chatters, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 19, Issue 2, April 2011, Pages 63-70.
Energy Healers: Who They Are and What They Do
by Jeff Levin, EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing Vol 7, Issue 1, pp.13-26, January 2011.
The Sorokin Multidimensional Inventory of Love Experience
(SMILE): Development, Validation, and Religious Determinants
by Jeff Levin, Review of Religious Research, 2010, Vol 51:4, pps 380-401.
Religion and Mental Health: Theory and Research
by Jeff Levin, International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, published online March 12, 2010. |
Divine Love: Perspectives from the World’s Religious Traditions edited by Jeff Levin and Stephen G. Post, Templeton Press, Release date April 2010. |
Theory in Religion, Aging, and Health: An Overview
by Jeff Levin, Linda M. Chatters and Robert Joseph Taylor, Journal of Religion and Health, published online: January 20, 2010.
And Let Us Make Us a Name: Reflections on the Future of the Religion and Health Field by Jeff Levin, Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 48:pp.125-145, 2009.
And Let Us Make Us a Name: Reflections on the Future of the Religion and Health Field |
How Faith Heals: A Theoretical Model by Jeff Levin, EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing Vol 5, pp.77-96, 2009.
Restoring the Spiritual: Reflections on Arrogance and Myopia—Allopathic and Holistic
by Jeff Levin, Journal of Religion and Health, 2009. |
Religion, Aging, and Health: Historical Perspectives, Current Trends, and Future Directions.
by Jeff Levin and Linda M. Chatters. Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging, Vol. 20(1-2), pp. 153-172, 2008. |
Esoteric Healing Traditions: A Conceptual Overview
by Jeff Levin. EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing Vol. 4(2), pp. 101-112, 2008. |
Scientists and Healers: Toward Collaborative Research Partnerships by Jeff Levin. EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing, Vol 4, pp.302-310, 2008.Scientists and Healers: Toward Collaborative Research Partnerships |
Bioenergy Healing: A Theoretical Model and Case Series by Jeff Levin and Laura Mead, EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing Vol 4(3), pp.201-209, 2008. Bioenergy Healing: A Theoretical Model and Case Series |
Religious Factors in Health and Medical Care among Older Adults by Jeff Levin, Linda M. Chatters, and Robert Joseph Taylor; Southern Medical Association, Vol. 99, No. 10, October 2006.Religious Factors in Health and Medical Care among Older Adults |
Faith, Medicine, and Science: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. David B. Larson by Jeff Levin, NY: The Haworth Pastoral Press, 2005.
Faith, Medicine, and Science book introduction
For More Information |
The Transcendent Experience: Conceptual, Theoretical, and Epidemiologic Perspectives, by Jeff Levin, and Lea Steele, EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing March 2005, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2005.The Transcendent Experience: Conceptual, Theoretical, and Epidemiologic Perspectives |
Religion, Health and Medicine in African Americans: Implications for Physicians byJeff Levin, Linda M. Chatters and Robert Joseph Taylor; Journal of the National Medical Association, Vol. 97, No. 2, pp. 237-249, 2005.Religion, Health and Medicine in African Americans: Implications for Physicians |
Spiritual Determinants of Health and Healing: An Epidemiologic Perspective on Salutogenic Mechanisms by Jeff Levin, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine; Nov/Dec 2003; 9, 6.Spiritual Determinants of Health and Healing: An Epidemiologic Perspective on Salutogenic Mechanisms |
Religion in the Lives of African Americans: Social, Psychological, and Health Perspectives by Jeff Levin, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2003. Religion in the Lives of African Americans: Social, Psychological, and Health Perspectives |
Is Depressed Affect a Function of One’s relationship with God?: Findings from a Study of Primary Care Patients by Jeff Levin, International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine; 2002/2003; 32, 4Is Depressed Affect a Function of One’s relationship with God?: |
God, Faith, and Health: Exploring the Spirituality- Healing Connection by Jeff Levin, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 2001.For More Information |
God, Love, and Health: Findings from a Clinical Study by Jeff Levin; Review of Religious Research, 2001, Vol. 42:3, pages 277-293. God, Love, and Health: Findings from a Clinical Study |
On the Epidemiology of ‘Mysterious’ Phenomena by Jeff Levin and Lea Steele, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Jan 2001; 7, 1; Research Library, pg. 64On the Epidemiology of ‘Mysterious’ Phenomena |
Essentials of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Wayne B. Jonas and Jeff Levin ; Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999.For More Information |
Religion in Aging and Health: Theoretical Foundations and Methodological Frontiers by Jeff Levin, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1994.For More Information |