The Spirit of the Appalachian Trail: Community, Environment, and Belief of a Long Distance Hiking Path
By Susan Power Bratton, Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2012
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The Megachurch in the Landscape: Adapting to Changing Scale and Managing Integrated Green Space in Texas and Oklahoma, USA,
by Susan Power Bratton, Worldviews 16: 30-49. |
Environmental Values in Christian Art
By Susan Power Bratton, State University of New York Press, 2007. |
Ecological holism and theological dualism as roots of environmental racism: Medieval lessons for modern religious scholars
By Susan P. Bratton, Worldviews, Volume 7 (I/II): pp. 27-57, 2003. |
The Precautionary Principle and the Book of Proverbs:
By Susan P. Bratton, Worldviews, Volume 7(III), pp. 253-273, 2003. |
Ethical responses to commercial fisheries decline in the Republic of Ireland
By Susan P. Bratton and Shawn Hinz, Ethics and the Environment, Volume 7(1), pp 54-91, 2002. |
Religion and fisheries decline in traditional Irish fishing communities with a comparison to the Pacific Northwest region USA
By Shawn Hinz and Susan P. Bratton, Ecotheology, Volume 8, pp. 114-31, 2000. |
From Iron Age myth to idealized national landscape: Human-nature relationships and environmental racism in Fritz Lang’s Die Nibelungen.
By Susan P. Bratton, Worldviews, Volume 4, pp. 195-212, 2000. |
Martin Luther’s concept of sin’s impact on nature and the
unlanding of the Jews
By Bret Stephenson and Susan P. Bratton, Ecotheology, volume 9, pp. 84-102, 2000. |
Christianity and the Irish landscape in Lady Augusta Gregory’s A Book of Saints and Wonders
By Susan P. Bratton, Ecotheology, Volume 7, pp. 81-97, 1999. |
Luc Ferry’s critique of Deep Ecology: Nazi nature protection laws and environmental anti-Semitism
By Susan P. Bratton, Ethics and the Environment, Volume 4(1), pp. 3-22, 1999. |