
Johnson, Byron R. – Publications

Bible reading and human flourishing among U.S. military families
Sung Joon Jang, Byron R. Johnson, | Open Access Government October 2024.

Religious Differences in Physical and Mental Health among Israeli Jews: Findings from the Global Flourishing Study
SLevin, J., Bradshaw, M. & Johnson | Journal of Religion and Health.

Assessing a Faith-Based Program for Trauma Healing Among Jail Inmates: A Quasi-Experimental Study
Sung Joon Jang, Byron R. Johnson, Matt Bradshaw, and Chongmin Na | Sage Journals July 2024.

What Do Correctional Leaders Think About Faith-Based Programs? Results From a National Survey
Grant Duwe, Byron R. Johnson, and Michael Hallett | Sage Journals November 2023.

The relevance of human flourishing to offender rehabilitation
Sung Joon Jang and Byron R. Johnson | Open Access Government October 2023.

Understanding Flourishing: Developing a Global Community of Practice
Matthew T. Lee, Byron R. Johnson, and Tyler J. Vanderweele | Baylor ISR Special Report Winter 2023.

Explaining the Relationship between Religiosity and Political Participation: The Mediating Roles of Transcendent Accountability and Religiopolitical Awareness
Sung Joon Jang, Brandon M. Brown, Charlotte V.O. Witvliet, Joesph Leman, Byron R. Johnson, and Matt Bradshaw | Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 2023.

Virtuous effects of religion on negative emotions among offenders in a Colombian prison
Sung Joon Jang ,Byron R. Johnson, and Matthew Lee Anderson | Journal of Crime and Justice 2023.

Assessing religion and spirituality in a cross-cultural sample: development of religion and spirituality items for the Global Flourishing Study
Kathryn A. Johnson, Jordan W. Moon, Tyler J. VanderWeele, Sarah Schnitker, and Byron R. Johnson | Religion, Brain & Behavior 2023.

New Insights for “What Works”? Religiosity and the Risk-Needs-Responsivity

Byron R. Johnson and Grant Due | Crime & Delinquency 2023.

Religion and Rehabilitation in Colombian and South African Prisons: A Human Flourishing Approach
Sung Joon Jang, Byron R. Johnson, Matthew Lee Anderson, and Karen Booyens | International Criminal Justice Review. 2022.

Flourishing in Critical Dialogue
Tyler J.VanderWeele, Brendan W.Case, YingChen, Richard G.Cowden, ByronJohnson, Matthew T.Lee, Tim Lomas, Katelyn G.Long | Science Direct. 2022.

Religion and Rehabilitation as Moral Reform: Conceptualization and Preliminary Evidence
Sung Joon Jang and Byron R. Johnson | American Journal of Criminal Justice. 14 December 2022.

Religion and Rehabilitation in Columbian Prisons: New Insights For Desistance
Sung Joon Jang, Byron R. Johnson, and Matthew L. Anderson | Advancing Corrections Journal. Issue 14.

Accountability: Construct definition and measurement of a virtue vital to flourishing
Charlotte V.O. Witvliet, Sung Joon Jang, Byron R. Johnson, C. Stephen Evans, Jack W. Berry, Joseph Leman, Robert C. Roberts, John Peteet, Andrew B. Torrance & Ashley N. Hayden | The Journal of Positive Psychology. 14 Jul 2022

Are Religious “Nones” Really Not Religious?: Revisiting Glenn, Three Decades Later
Jeff Levin, Ph.D., M.P.H., Matt Bradshaw, Ph.D., Byron R. Johnson, Ph.D., Rodney Stark, Ph.D. (Baylor University) | IJRR Volume 18, Article 7.

Objective Religion: Problems, Prosociality, Progress
Byron R. Johnson | July 11, 2022.

Assessing a Faith-Based Program for Trauma Healing Among Jail Inmates: A Quasi-Experimental Study
Sung Joon Jang , Byron R. Johnson, Matt Bradshaw, and Chongmin | July 14, 2022.

The Global Flourishing Study: A New Era for the Study of Well-Being
Byron Johnson, Tyler J. VanderWeele | January 2022.

Perceptions of Accountability to God and Psychological Well‐Being Among US Adults
Matt Bradshaw, Blake Victor Kent, Charlotte vanOyen Witvliet, Byron Johnson, Sung Joon Jang, Joseph Leman | November 2022.

Global Flourishing Study Questionnaire Development Report
Steve Crabtree, Cynthia English, Byron R. Johnson, Zacc Ritter and Tyler J. VanderWeele. October 2021.

The Effect of Religion on Emotional Well-Being Among Offenders in Correctional Centers of South Africa: Explanations and Gender Differences
Sung Joon Jang, Byron R. Johnson, Matthew L. Anderson, Karen Booyens. Justice Quarterly. November 2021.

How Religion Contributes to the Common Good, Positive Criminology, and Justice Reform
by Byron R. Johnson. Religions (2021).

Does Religious Affiliation Protect People’s Well-Being? Evidence from the Great Recession after Correcting for Selection Effects
by Byron R. Johnson, Christos A. Makridis, Harold G. Koenig. (2020).

The Restorative Prison: Essays on Inmate Peer Ministry and Prosocial Corrections
by Byron R. JohnsonMichael HallettSung Joon Jang. Routledge (2021).

Objective Religion: Competition, Tension, Perseverance
Baylor University Press (2021)

Connecting In-Prison Programs to Prisoner Reentry and Aftercare: A Case Study of Restoration Outreach of Dallas Ministries.
Program on Prosocial Behavior, Baylor University (2020), with Sung Joon Jang.

The Effect of Religiosity on Emotional Well-Being Among Prisoners Research Outreach, May 2020.

Open Table: Leveraging Relationships to Transform Communities. 
A case study by Byron R. Johnson and William Wubbenhorst. May 2020.

Examining the relationship between student attitude and academic cheating
by Byron R. Johnson, Perry L. Glanzer, Hongwei Yu. (2020).

Ten Reasons We Need Rigorous Research on Effective Compassion
Byron R. Johnson; University of St. Thomas Law Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 3. Spring 2019.

World Family Map: THE TIES THAT BIND: Is Faith a Global Force for Good or Ill in the Family?
Laurie F. DeRose, Byron R. Johnson, Wendy Wang.
Institute for Family Studies. September 2019.

offender therapy  Prisoners Helping Prisoners Change: A Study of Inmate Field Ministers Within Texas Prisons
Sung Joon Jang, Byron R. Johnson, Joshua Hays, Michael Hallett, and Grant Duwe; International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. September 5, 2019

A Major New Study Asks: How Does Church Affect Marital Health?
W. Bradf0rd Wilcox, Alysse Elhage, Byron R. Johnson. Christianity Today. May 28, 2019.

U.S. Prison Seminaries: Structural Charity, Religious Establishment, and Neoliberal Corrections
Michael Hallett, Bryon Johnson, Joshua Hays,
Sung Joon Jang, and Grant Duwe; The Prison Journal. February 6, 2019

alcoholism Transposing the Adverse Social Dynamics of Adolescent Substance Use Disorders Into More Effective Treatment and Clinician Resilience
Matthew T. Lee, Stephen G. Post, Andrew B. Wylie, George S. Leibowitz, Chelsea Gelboin-Burkart, Dishaw Holiprosad, Byron R. Johnson, Aaron B. Turk, Kevin L. Zacharoff & Nur Zakirkhoidjaev; Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly. December 2018

Why Religion and Religious Freedom is Good for Society, Offenders, and Prisons
Byron R. Johnson,  chapter in The Wiley Handbook of Christianity and Education. Ed. William Jeynes, September 2018

“Four Gods” in Maximum Security Prison: Images of God, Religiousness, and Worldviews Among Inmates
By Sung Joon Jang, Joshua Hays, Byron R. Johnson, Michael Hallett and Grant Duwe, Review of Religious Research, Vol 60, No.3, 2018

Handbook of Research on Academic Misconduct in Higher Education (Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development)

Edited by Donna M. Velliaris, Eynesbury Institute of Business and Technology, Australia.  Chapter 2: Why Students Cheat: An conceptual Framework of Personal, Conceptual, and Situational Factors Religions; by Hongwei Yu, Perry L. Glanzer and Byron R. Johnson; Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development Series by Information Science Reference   (2018.)

Existential and Virtuous Effects of Religiosity on
Mental Health and Aggressiveness among Offenders
Prison Seminary Movement in Prison Life
by Sung Joon Jang, Byron R Johnson, Joshua Hays, Michael Hallet, and Grant Duwe; Religions, (91): 182, (2018.)

Inmate Ministry as Contextual Missiology:
Best Practices for America’s Emerging
Prison Seminary Movement in Prison Life

by Joshua Hays, Michael Hallet, Byron R Johnson, Sung Joon Jang and Grant Duwe; Perspectives in Religious Studies 45(1): 69–79, (2018.)

Alone on the Inside: The Impact of Social Isolation  and Helping Others on AOD Use and Criminal Activity
by Byron R. Johnson, Maria E. Pagano, Matthew T. Lee,  and Stephen G. Post; Youth & Society, Vol. 50 (4) (2018).

Faith and Service: Pathways to Identity Transformation and Correctional Reform

Finding Freedom in Confinement: The Role of Religion in Prison Life, Kent R. Kerley Ph.D. (Editor); Chapter 1, pp. 3-22:  by Byron R. Johnson, Grant Duwe, Michael Hallett, Joshua Hays, Sung Joon Jang, Matthew T. Lee, Maria E. Pagano, and Stephen G. Post; Praeger January 31, 2018.

Cultivating the Successful Quest for Purpose on Campus: What We Learned from Students
Perry L. Glanzer, Jonathan P. Hill and Byron R. Johnson, About Campus, Nov-Dec 2017

INCORPORATING FAITH & WORKS WITHIN A HEALTHCARE NETWORK: Baylor Scott & White’s Office of Mission and Ministry
Byron R. Johnson and William H. Wubbenhorst, Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion, 2017

From Defiance to Reliance: Spiritual Virtue as a Pathway Towards Desistence, Humility, and Recovery Among Juvenile OffendersImages of God Religious Involvement and Prison Misconduct among Inmates
Matthew T. Lee, Maria E. Pagano, Byron R. Johnson, Stephen G. Post, Georse S. Leibowitz and Matthew Dudash, Spirituality in Clinical Practice, Vol 4, No. 3, 161-175 (2017)

Images of God Religious Involvement and Prison Misconduct among Inmates
Sung Joon Jang, Byron R Johnson, Joshua Hays, Grant Duwe & Michael Hallett , Corrections Policy, Practice and Research (2017)

The Quest for Purpose The Quest for Purpose: The Collegiate Search for A Meaningful Life
by Perry L. Glanzer, Jonathan P. Hill  and Bryon R. Johnson, SUNY, NY, 2017

Handbook of Life-Course Criminology The Routledge International Handbook of Life-Course Criminology
by Arjan Blokland and Victor van der Geest (Editors)
Chapter 6 by Sung Joon Jang and Bryon R. Johnson, Routledge, 2017

jq_cover Religion and Misconduct in “Angola” Prison: Conversion, Congregational Participation, Religiosity, and Self-Identities
By Sung Joon Jang, Byron R. Johnson, William Joshua Hays, Michael Hallett and Grant Duwe, Justice Quarterly, April 7, 2017

cover-ISR-Homeless Assessing the Faith-Based Response to Homelessness in America: Findings from Eleven Cities
By Byron R. Johnson and William Wubbenhorst, February 1, 2017
View/Download Case Study

oahc-cover The Ohio Adolescent Health Centers: A Collaborative Model for Sexual Risk Avoidance Education

By Byron R. Johnson, William Wubbenhorst, Sung Joon Jang, and Sumner Wubbenhorst, December, 2016
View/Download OAHC Case Study

cjbv20-v037-i02-cover The association between religion and self-reported academic honesty among college students
Hongwei Yu, Perry L. Glanzer, Byron R. Johnson, Rishi Sriram and Brandon Moore
Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education, 2016

ujcc20-v017-i04-cover Do the Ends Strengthen the Means? An Examination of the Link Between Purpose in Life and Academic Misconduct Among College Students
Hongwei Yu, Perry Glanzer and Byron Johnson,
Journal of College and Character, Volume 17, 2016 – Issue 4

 Angola The Angola Prison Seminary: Effects of Faith-Based Ministry on Identity Transformation, Desistance, and Rehabilitation
Michael Hallett, Joshua Hays, Byron R. Johnson, and Grant Duwe, Routledge (August 2016)

Hongwei Yu, Perry L. Glanzer, Rishi Sriram, Byron R. Johnson & Brandon Moore, Ethics & Behavior (April 2016)

nonprofit cover Tying Knots With Communities: Youth Involvement in Scouting and Civic Engagement in Adulthood
Young-Il Kim, Sung Joon Jang and Byron R. Johnson, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (March 2016)

IJSC Positive Criminology and Rethinking the Response to Adolescent Addiction: Evidence on the Role of Social Support, Religiosity, and Service to Others, Byron R. Johnson, Matthew T. Lee, Maria E. Pagano and Stephen G. Post,  International Journal of Criminology and Sociology (2016)

LSE_blog How giving help to others can help young people deal with their own addiction.
Byron R. Johnson, Matthew T. Lee, Maria E. Pagano and Stephen G. Post, London School of Economics – USA Politics and Policy Blog, May 19, 2016

ethics. behave What Contributes to College Students’ Cheating? A Study of Individual Factors,
Hongwei Yu, Perry L. Glanzer, Rishi Sriram , Byron R. Johnson and Brandon Moore, Ethics & Behavior  (2016)

alcoholism Humility and 12-Step Recovery: A Prolegomenon for the Empirical Investigation of a Cardinal Virtue, Alcohol Treatment Quarterly 34 (2): 262-273 (2016), Stephen G. Post, Maria Pagano, Matthew Lee and Byron R. Johnson

Research-in-Human-Development-980x1411 Exploring the Out-of-School Time Program Ecology
of Boy Scouts
Roby B. Champine, Jun Wang, Kaitlyn A. Ferris, Rachel M. Hershberry, Karl Erickson, Byron R. Johnson, Richard M. Lerner,  Research in Human Development, 13: 97–110, 2016

alcoholism Love and Service in Adolescent Addiction Recovery
Matthew T. Lee, Maria E. Pagano,  Byron R. Johnson and Stephen G. Post, Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 2016, Vol. 34:2, 197-222

prison-journal The Effects of Prison Visits From Community Volunteers on Offender Recidivism
Grant Duwe and Byron R. Johnson, The Prison Journal, 2016, Vol. 96:279-303

Youth 6.cover Alone on the Inside: The Impact of Social Isolation and Helping Others on AOD Use and Criminal Activity
Byron R. Johnson, Maria E. Pagano, Matthew T. Lee and Stephen G. Post,  Youth & Society, 2015

home_cover Religion, Delinquency, and Drug Use: A Meta-Analysis
P. Elizabeth Kelly, Joshua R. Polanin,
Sung Joon Jang, and Byron R. Johnson, Criminal Justice Review, 2015, Vol. 40: 505-523

Fall-2015-TAN-1 Positive Psychology in Alcoholics Anonymous and the 12 Steps: Adolescent Recovery in Relation to Humility
Stephen G. Post, Byron R. Johnson, Matthew T. Lee & Maria E. Pagano,  The Addictions Newsletter, The American Psychological Association, Division 50, Fall 2015

offender therapy First Stop Dying:” Angola’s Christian Seminary as Positive Criminology, Michael Hallett, Joshua Hays, Byron R. Johnson, Sung Joon Jang, and Grant Duwe,  International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, (2015) DOI: 10.1177/0306624X15598179.

offend_rehab_cover Bible College Participation and Prison Misconduct: A Preliminary Analysis
Grant Duwe, Michael Hallett, Joshua Hays, Sung Joon Jang & Byron R. Johnson, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, May 12 2015

Alcoholism Clinical Social Anxiety and Peer Helping in Adolescent Addiction Treatment
Maria E. Pagano, Alexandra R. Wang, Brieana M. Rowles, Matthew T. Lee, and Byron R. Johnson, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, Vol. 30, No,5, May 2015

sociological_focus Structured Voluntary Youth Activities and Positive Outcomes in Adulthood: An Exploratory Study of Involvement in Scouting and Subjective Well-Being
Sung Joon Jang, Byron R. Johnson, Young-Il Kim, Edward C. Polson & Buster G. Smith, Sociological Focus, Oct. 2014

religions The Resurgence of Religion in America’s Prisons
Byron R. Johnson and Michael Hallett,  Religions 5(3), 663-683, August 2014

Oxford-Handbooks Religion, Crime and  Criminal Justice
Byron R. Johnson and Curtis S. Schroeder, Oxford Handbooks Online, July 2014

book-big1 2014 Index of Culture and Opportunity
“Dispelling Rumors of Religion’s Demise”by Byron R. Johnson, pp. 28-29, chapter in book by Jennifer A Marshall and Rea S. Hederman, Jr., 2014 by The Heritage Foundation.

alcoholism Daily Spiritual Experiences and Adolescent Treatment Response
Matthew T. Lee, Paige S. Veta, Byron R. Johnson & Maria E. Pagano, Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly,pages 271-298, Published online: 30 Jun 2014

Effective Interventions in the Lives of Criminal Offenders
“Religious Participation and Criminal Behavior” by Byron R. Johnson, chapter in book edited by John A. Humphrey and Peter Cordella, Springer, 2014

Stronger Families, Stronger Society: An Analysis of the RIDGE Project, Inc.
A case study written by Byron R. Johnson, William Wubbenhorst, Curtis Schroeder, Katie E. Corcoran. 2014

Mentoring Children of Prisoners: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study of Amachi Texas A case study written by Byron R. Johnson to research the effectiveness of the Amachi Texas, 2014.

Recidivism Reduction and Return on Investments: An Empirical Assessment of the Prison Entrepreneurship Program
A case study written by Byron R. Johnson, William Wubbenhorst, Curtis Schroeder and Sung Joon Jang. 2013

Assessing the Effectiveness of the Violence Free Zone in Milwaukee Public Schools: A Research Note
by Johnson, Gluck, Vazquez, and Wubbenhorst, Journal of Knowledge and Best Practices in Juvenile Justice & Psychology, Vol 7, No. 1, 2013

Estimating the Benefits of a Faith-Based Correctional Program
Grant Duwe and Byron R. Johnson, International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2013, 2, 227-239 Editor’s Choice article

APA Handbook of Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
“Addressing Religion and Spirituality in Correctional Settings: The Role of Faith-Based Prison Programs” by Byron R. Johnson,  chapter in book edited by Kenneth I Pargament, American Psychological Association, 2013

Serve West Dallas – Community Transformation in West Dallas: A Sustained Collective Among Churches Faith-based Organizations and Government
A case study written by Byron R. Johnson, William Wubbenhorst, Curtis Schroeder and Sung Joon Jang. 2013

The American Prison: Imagining a Different Future
The Faith-Based Prison by Byron R. Johnson chapter in book by Cullen, Francis T, Cheryl Lero Jonson, Mary K. Stohr,  Sage Publications Inc, 2013

Swedish Trends in Criminal Assaults against Minors since Banning
Spanking, 1981-2010

Robert E. Larzelere, Taren Swindle and Byron R. Johnson, International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2013

Being Prepared and Staying Connected: Scouting’s Influence on Social Capital and Community Involvement
Edward C. Polson, Young-Il Kim, Sung Joon Jang, Byron R. Johnson and Buster Smith, Social Science Quarterly, 11 JAN 2013

Religious Involvement and Dynamics of Marijuana
Use: Initiation, Persistence, and Desistence

Jeffery T. Ulmer, Scott A. Desmond, Sung Joon Jang and Byron R. Johnson, Deviant Behavior, Vol. 33, Issue 6 pp 448-46, 2012

Eagle Scouts: Merit Beyond the Badge
Byron R. Johnson,Sung Joon Jang and Young-Il Kim, Program on Prosocial Studies of Religion, Baylor University (2012)

  “Public Opinion on Same Sex Marriage,” Public Discourse: Ethics, Law, and the Common Good (January 2012)

Can a Faith-Based Prison Reduce Recidivism?
Byron R. Johnson,  Corrections Today, January 2012

Younger Generations Less Likely to Join Boy Scouts: Boy Scouts go on to Gain More Education, Make More Money, with Jon Clifton. Gallup Online, Gallup Organization (December 13, 2010)

Go to Jail and Get a Seminary Education? Public Discourse: Ethics, Law, and the Common Good (October 2011).

“Jailhouse Religion, Spiritual Transformation, and Long-Term Change,”
Byron R. Johnson, American Outlook Magazine, June (2011).

Our Best Hope for Persistent Prisoner Transformation: A Case Study of Out4Life
Byron R.Johnson and William Wubbenhorst, Institute for Studies of Religion Program on Prosocial Studies of Religion, (2011)

The Effects of Childhood Exposure to Drug Users and Religion on Drug Use in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Sung Joon Jang and Byron R. Johnson, Youth & Society, Page Publications, pp:1220-1245 (2011)

The Religious Antidote
Byron R. Johnson, First Things, August/September 2011

  Overcoming the Obstacles to Faith-Based Approaches to Crime, Public Discourse: Ethics, Law, and the Common Good (August 2011).

More God Less Crime
Byron R. Johnson, Templeton Press, May 2011

Counting China’s Christians: There are as many Christians in China as there are members of the Communist Party.
by Rodney Stark, Byron Johnson, and Carson Mencken, First Things
May 2011

The Good News About Evangelicalism
by  Byron Johnson, First Things, February 2011

Building Relationships Between Prisoners, Their Families, and Churches: A Case Study of Angel Tree
Byron R. Johnson and William Wubbenhorst, Program on Prosocial Studies of Religion, Baylor University 2011

Crime and Religion: Assessing the Role of the Faith Factor
Byron R. Johnson and Sung Joon Jang, Contemporary Issues in Criminological Theory and Research The Role of Social Institutions: Papers from the American Society of Criminology 2010 Conference,pp:117-150 (2010)

The Liberalization of Young Evangelicals: A Research Note
Buster G. Smith and Byron R. Johnson, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 49:351-360, (2010)

Divine Justice: The Relationship Between Images of God and Attitudes Toward Criminal Punishment
Christopher Bader, Scott A. Desmond, F. Carson Mencken and Byron R. Johnson, Criminal Justice Review, 35: 90-106 (2010).

Not By Faith or Government Alone: Rethinking the Role of Faith-Based Organizations – Short Essays on the Faith-Based and Community Initiative, (ed.) Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion (ISR Special Research Report), Baylor University

Teenage Religiosity and Changes in Marijuana Use During Transition to Adulthood
Jeffrey T. Ulmer, Scott A. Desmond, Sung Joon Jang  and Byron R. Johnson, 6: 1-19 (2010)

Religion, Race, and Drug Use Among American Youth
Author: Sung Joon Jang and Byron R. Johnson, Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion, 6: 1-22 (2010)

Richmond Violence Free Zone Initiative: A Case Study,
Byron R. Johnson and William Wubbenhorst, Program on
Prosocial Studies of Religion, Baylor University (2010)

The Milwaukee Violence Free Zone Initiative: A CASE STUDY
Byron R. Johnson and William Wubbenhorst, Program on Prosocial Studies of Religion, Baylor University, (2009)

The OneStar Foundation’s Texas Demonstration Project: A Case Study, Byron R. Johnson with William Wubbenhorst, Institute for Studies of Religion, (ISR Case Study) Baylor University (2008).

Ohio Compassion Capital Program: A Case Study
Byron R. Johnson and William Wubbenhorst, Institute for Studies of Religion, (ISR Case Study) Baylor University (2008)

The Latino Coalition for Faith and Community Initiatives,
Byron R. Johnson and William Wubbenhorst, Institute for Studies of Religion, (ISR Case Study) Baylor University (2008)

The Cumulative Advantage of Religiosity in Preventing Drug Use, Journal of Drug Issues, Volume 38, Number 3, pp. 771-798, 2008.
Sung Joon Jang, Christopher D. Bader, Byron R. Johnson

The Faith Factor and Prisoner Reentry, Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion, 2008 Volume 4, Article 5. View/Download Study

Innovations in Effective Compassion, Compendium of Research Papers presented at the Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Conference on Research, Outcomes, and Evaluation, June 2008. pp. 17-38.

Not By Faith or Government Alone: Rethinking the Role of Faith-Based Organizations– Short Essays on the Faith-Based and Community Initiative, (ed.) Baylor Institute for Studies of
Religion (ISR Special Research Report), Baylor University (2008)

The Role of Religious Institutions in Responding to Crime and Delinquency, (chapter by Byron Johnson), in The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion.  Peter B. Clarke (ed). University of Oxford
Press (2008).

Assessing the Role of Religion in Preventing Youth Crime (chapter by Byron Johnson),William Jeynes and Enedina, Martinez, (Eds.) Christianity, Education & Modern Society. Greenwich:  Information Age Press (2007).

Recovering the Lost: Remeasuring U.S. Religious Affiliation
By Kevin D. Dougherty, Byron R. Johnson and Edward C. Polson, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol 46, No. 4, pp 483-500, December 2007.

Deregulation and the Religious Market in Taiwan: A Research Note
By Yunfeng Lu, Byron Johnson and Rodney Stark, The Sociological Quarterly, Volume 49 pp 138-153, 2008.

Race/Ethnicity, Religious Involvement, and Domestic Violence
By Byron R. Johnson, Christopher G. Ellison, Jenny A Trinitapoli and Kristin L. Anderson; Violence Against Women, Sage Publications, Vol 13, Num 11, pp 1094-1112, November 2007.

Uneasy Allies?: Evangelical and Jewish Relations
By Alan Mittleman, Byron Johnson, Nancy Isserman , Lexington Books, November 2007.View/Download Publication

Gender, Religiousity, and Reactions to Strain Among African Americans – by Sung Joon Jang and Byron R. Johnson, The Sociological Quarterly, Volume 46, Number 2, pp. 323-357, May 2005.

Religious Programs and Recidivism Among Former Inmates in Prison Fellowship Programs: A Long-term Follow-up Study – Byron R. Johnson, Justice Quarterly, Volume 21, Number 2, pp. 329-354, June 2004.

The Intervention Selection Bias: An Underrecognized Confound in Intervention Research – by Byron R. Johnson with Robert E. Larzelere and Brett R. Kuhn, The Psychological Bulletin, Volume 130, Number 2, pp. 289-303, 2004.

Explaining Religious Effects on Distress Among African Americans– by Byron R. Johnson and Sung Joon Jang, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 43, Number 2, pp. 239-260, 2004.

Strain, Negative Emotions, and Deviant Coping Among African Americans: , Byron R Johnson and Sung Joon Jang, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Vol 19, No. 1, 2003.

Assessing the Impact of Religious Programs and Prison Industry on Recidivism: An Exploratory Study
by Byron Johnson, Texas Journal of Corrections, 28: 7-11, 2002.